Post Play


-LBBOS-low body balance base of support…wide and low-to get the most quickness…pivot quickly with NO wasted movement


-Compact-see hands when posting…keep the ball close to the body, catch it high, keep it high…be tight with your game…stay low and compact so you can increase your ability to explode….would you rather walk by a straight snake or a coiled snake?...coiled snakes are ready to strike


Post Stance:

1.    back straight and strong with good posture

2.    Sit in to your stance, drop your hips while keeping back straight-take up space by getting wide in your stance while staying balanced…Low Man Wins!!!

3.    hands up to see the backs of the palms while looking straight ahead and using peripheral vision.

4.    head is up and centered, balance is most important

5.    arm and leg dominance is emphasized

6.    Forearms should be in a bench press position to move the hands closer to the ball.

7.    After receiving the ball, the ball is held with both hands on the ball with fingers spread and pointed upward while elbows are pointed outward.  The ball is held tightly to the body in the area of the chin….Chin It!!!